
Activity 2 in Romania

A Sense of Being: building self-esteem
Summer friends
Summary of activity
Justification - Necessity – Arguments

    The activity was initiated to strengthen and stimulate young people in prison with members of the civil community of the same age exposed at the same risk of crime, aiming at determining the behavior constructional autonomous and responsible in the community regarding persons deprived of their liberty and also prevent and reduce crime among young people.
    In this regard, the support for young people deprived of freedom, consists to offer the opportunity to meet people in the community with whom they will undertake in August 2010 several activities.
    Community representatives are young people under a social protection measure Concordia Humanitarian Organisation - "City of Childrens"
    In the context of contemporary society the focus is on developing social skills and accumulation of information from various fields, this having a significant contribution in adapting to life in the community for young people who are separating from their families of origin.
    Program activities was aimed at informing young people about human rights, knowledge of aspects of social life which have an important role in raising awareness and developing a sense of belonging to society.
    This program facilitates positive social networking, an effective way of exteriorization and the discovery and development of skills young people.
 establish civilized relations based on sincerity, trust and respect between young people deprived of their liberty in prison and adolescent from the Concordia Humanitarian Organization "City of Children" in the perspective of social reinsertion
 development of social autonomy;
 increased self-esteem;
 combat and prevent crimes committed by young Concordia Humanitarian Organization "City of Children";
 social integration - all the social relations between persons in detention and in freedom.
 establish authentic communication relations between detainees and young from Concordia Humanitarian Organization "City of Children";
 self-knowledge, increased self-esteem of participants and respect for community;
 knowledge of some of the most important human rights, according to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights;
 awareness of young people at large negative consequences arising from the experience of detention;
 develop interpersonal and communication skills to work independently or in teams, respecting the rules set
 strengthening relations group interaction and cooperation;
 discovery and use of talents and artistic skills.
    Direct Beneficiaries:
 a group of 20 detainees (young),  with communication skills and pro-social tendencies;
 a group of 15 youths from Concordia Humanitarian Organisation "City of Childrens"
 exposure;
 conversation;
 observation;
 debate;
 role play;
 work in small groups and in teams;
 artistic expression through painting, drawing, objects made ​​of ceramics;
 motion.
    Topics addressed in the activity of knowledge of the beneficiaries of the two institutions involved:
■ the most important debates on human rights, according to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the causes of crime and consequences of antisocial acts committed, and alternatives to crime;
■ self-knowledge;
■ discovery and use of talents and skills of sports.
    At the end of the program participants will receive certificates of participation in the "summer friends" offered by representatives of Ploiesti Penitentiary.
    At the end of the meeting participants will receive a worksheet on content themes, being able to express both positive and negative aspects that were faced during the program.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.